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Updating the Firmware


This is the preferred way of updating the firmware as it does not require installing the Arduino IDE and is just a matter of copying a .uf2 file to the microcontroller via USB.

Latest Firmware: 0.4

You will need a micro-USB cable and a computer running Mac, Windows, or Linux. You can do this with or without Eurorack power to the WaveBoy.

  1. Download and unzip the firmware (available up above)
  2. Plug in the micro-USB cable into the WaveBoy and your computer.
  3. On the ItsyBitsy (that is the module that has the micro-USB cable), there is a small reset button. This is on the opposite side of the micro-USB. So if looking at the back of the WaveBoy, it is on the right. Press this button twice.
  4. An LED on the ItsyBitsy will turn red and then stay green. The ItsyBitsy should now show up on your computer as a mounted drive (likely called ITSMYBOOT).
  5. Open up the root directory of the mounted drive and copy the .uf2 file onto it.
  6. If you have the WaveBoy powered via Eurorack power, if the update succeeded, the ItsyBitsy will unmount, the WaveBoy will restart, and the device may remount.
  7. If you have the WaveVBoy powered only via USB, it will unmount the volume but may not remount it. Remove USB before connecting it back to Eurorack power to make sure it properly resets itself.
  8. If you missed the splash screen, press the reset button on the ItsyBitsy again to restart it. You will see WAVEBOY displayed along with a version number right below it. You will want to confirm it is the desired version.

Using Arduino

This has been tested with Arduino 2.3.2 but other versions may work.

You will need to install the following libraries:

  • Adafruit_DotStar
  • Adafruit_GFX
  • Adafruit_SSD1306
  • SimpleRotary
  • SdFat
  • SAMD51_InterruptTimer (not to be confused with TimerInterript), available here. You will also need to install the Adafruit SAMD Boards by adding to the Additional Boards Manager URLs (under Preferences). Once that is there you can go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager... and searching for Adafruit. Once installed, set your Board to be Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 (SAMD51).

The MCU has a micro-USB connection which can be found by removing the module from your rack and turning it over. Plug in a micro-USB cable into that end, and the other into your computer. WaveBoy can be flashed with or without power from your rack.

Once the USB cable is connected, go to Tools and check that Port is not greyed out. On Linux, the ItsyBitsy will show up as /dev/ttyACM0 usually.

If you haven't yet done so, you will need to checkout the WaveBoy repository. Then go to File -> Open and navigate to wherever you place the repository on your computer, then to firmware, waveboy, and then open up waveboy.ino. If all is well, click on the circular checkbox on the top left of the IDE. If you see no errors, you can then flash the firmware to WaveBoy by clicking the -> arrow (next to the checkbox).